Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week 3 - NICU/ISN

Week 3 was still hard!  This was the week of Thanksgiving!  This year we had so much to be thankful for, but it was still difficult.  Yes, I was off from work, but there still wasn't anytime for resting.  Each day, I would drive to Savannah to spend time with my sweet Eli.  I did a lot of reflecting this week.  I would think about the person I passed in the parking garage or the person on the elevator with me.  Each of these people were probably going through their own trials and tribulations.  They were at the hospital, so they too had a loved one or someone close to them sick or ill.  Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in what is happening in our own lives that we forget to put ourselves in someone else shoes.  I tried to think about this each day as I passed different people from all walks of life.

 I have to be honest, I have been so worried about my sweet baby Eli having a set-back or regressing that it was hard for me to be excited about the little steps he was making.  I was so afraid that something would happen.  I finally stepped back and began to reflect!   When I stepped back, I saw how awesome God was.  I saw how amazing my friends and family were.  I saw all of the prayers for my family and sweet Eli.  I saw all of those prayers from all of those people being answered!  It made me even more thankful for my sweet Eli and how far he had come.  I was so thankful for all of the prayers, comments, supper, help, texts, and love I have gotten from friends, family, neighbors, Facebook friends, and even complete strangers.

This week Eli was making big steps.  They were increasing his feedings and he was growing.  Jeremy and I were there one Friday night with him and he was eating (feeding through his ng tube in his stomach) and his alarms all started going off.  I began to panic a little, because most of the time the alarms will go off because he will forget to breath or his is just moving.  Well, they continued to drop and I noticed his color began to change.  He turned a pale blue.  He was dusky as the nurses call it.  He was not breathing.  My heart sank.  I held back the tears.  The nurses walked in and she calmly talked us through it because he caught himself and began to breath again.  She said that it looked like he was refluxing.  It is very painful for babies to reflux.  It hurts and with him having the tube down his throat it doesn't totally close and the formula can come back up even easier.  She said they stop breathing to keep the formula from coming back up.  I was rocking him too.  She also said that was another reason.  The rocking isn't good for them.  It is harder for them to keep their food down.  I was scared.  I didn't want anything to happen to my sweet baby.  I prayed for him.  I hated to leave that night, but I had faith in God that he would be protected.  I immediately asked for prayers for his reflux when I got home.  Our God is so good.  As I look back on that week, I see how wonderful our God is and the power of prayer.  Baby Eli's reflux is very minimal and it doesn't seem to bother him like it did.  God is good!  Prayer works people!!!

Bryson got to visit his little brother for the 2nd time this week.  Bryson was in awe of his brother.  He wasn't able to touch him or get close because of the germ factor but Bryson sure was excited.  Bryson had only seen him one other time in the incubator when he was two days old.  Bryson already seems very protective of him and has gotten emotional a few times because he is sad baby brother is all alone in the hospital.  He is ready for him to come home!  Although, he is going to teach him how to not cry!!!

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